Friday, February 11, 2011

What happened to the healthy theme of Foodolicious?

Yes I did claim that Foodolicious was going to be all about health and wholesomeness and I do preach about low fat and no fat yoghurt in place of sour cream and about bad fats and how to eliminate them in recipes like using canola oil in place of lard in tamales...ok I am guilty...sentence me to Culinary Court.  The truth is my partner and I live a very healthy lifestyle overall, but I will be the first to admit to being human and giving in to my cravings from time to time.  Aaron and I are both chocoholics and boy do we love fresh out of the oven toll house cookies...I try to not stock the ingredients needed to make them...this keeps us from having them all the time...we would too! 

But here is what happened... I was sitting here just after noon looking out the window at the pond that is finally thawing and suddenly I started craving my favorite cookie from my childhood.  I went over in my head whether I had all the ingredients...and within minutes was over the stove throwing together a batch.  It's a no bake cookie that my sister would make at times when she had to baby sit me when the parents went out to parties or dinner.  I loved it then...and it still satisfies my sweet tooth like no other cookie does for me...all about the childhood memories of the cookie and the comfort it provided I suppose.  So just after I had spooned the last cookie onto the silicone sheets, the doorbell rang and a fellow foodie and sweetaholic friend showed up...we stood in that kitchen enjoying the confections like there was no tomorrow.  We finally did stop after each having at least 9 cookies each...they are just so delicious and addicting.

So today I make a point about just being and giving in to cravings from time to time whether "healthy" nutritionally or not.  Yes we can get ourselves into trouble when we become a slave to the same bad eating habits day in and day out.  No one should do catches up to you and I don't only mean by growing in girth.  But with today's complex world that we all live in,  isn't it nice to have something to retreat to now and again? my case it's my childhood cookie.  It takes me back to a gentler simpler time if only for the duration of the first couple of bites of my warm cookie...nothing harmful in that...besides there are three cups of nutritional rolled oats in the recipe...oats are a good thing...

No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

1/2 c unsalted butter
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa (powder or squares)
1/2 cup milk
2 cups sugar
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups rolled oats

mix the first 5 ingredients into a thick bottomed sauce pan and still with a wooden spoon
When the mixture reaches a rolling boil continue to cook and stir the whole time for 5 minutes
Add in rolled oats and remove from heat
Drop by teaspoonful onto wax paper or silicone sheets
Allow to cool
Eat...there is no way you can eat only one  ;-)

to the good childhood memories!


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